Cancer PCR studies

Approximately 50 % of all men and a third of all women develop cancer during their lifetime. The best way to beat cancer is by detecting it early, while it is still confined to the organ of origin and consequently has the best prognosis for successful treatment. There is a need for tests that contribute […]

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DNA purification

Load the primary tubes and reagents and walk away! 96 samples from primary tubes to PCR set-up in approximately 2 hours  Automated barcode reading Minimal manual handling No centrifugation BUGS´n BEADS™ MRSA from Genpoint-NorDiag is an easy-to-perform, automated method for isolation of DNA from Staphylococcus aureus. The kit has successfully been used for isolation of DNA from MRSA […]

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TB (Tuberculosis)

BUGS´n BEADS™ TB from Genpoint-NorDiag is an easy-to-perform and automated method for isolation of DNA and RNA from bacteria. The kit has successfully been used for  the isolation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis present in sputum as well as other non respiratory samples, and can be combined with various downstream detection systems such as PCR*, Strand Displacement Amplification (SDA**) […]

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